

Pot No 18      Square flanged Tenmasen     380 x 278 x 91

Pot No 19        Short Tarraibune     422 x 312 x 81

Pot No 20     Round flanged Wasen      405 x 304 x 81

Pot No 21     Round flanged Wasen   405 x 300 x 82

Pot No 22     Square flanged Tenmasen     377 x 270 x 91

Pot No 24     Round flanged, shipstrake walled  Wasen      410 x 300 x 82

Pot No 25       Unflanged Kaisen     360 x 255 x 71

Pot No 26      Unflanged Sabani      335 x 235 x 77

Pot No 27  Unflanged Sabani 344 x 238 x 79

Pot No 29      Internally flanged Sabani      335 x 238 x 68

 Pot No 31      Round flanged, textured wall Wasen      406 x 297 x 83

 Pot No 32        Unflanged Kaisen       365 x 260 x 70

  Pot No 33     Square flanged Tenmasen    380 x 278 x 86

 Pot 34  Short Tarraibun   425 x 310 x 78

Pot 35  Tenmasen  380 x 275 x 89

Pot 36  Wasen (rounded rim flange)   407 x 300 x 84

 Pot 37  Wasen (square rim flange)  412 x 300 x 84

Pot No 38 Sabani  357 x 252 x 79.

Pot 39  Tenmasen  375 x 287 x 85

Pot No 40  Taraibune  422 x 310 x 94

Pot No 41   Flanged Sabani   368 x 260 x 63


Pot No 42 Wasen with 'planking' wall detail  420 x 238 x 79

Pot No 43  Flanged Sabani, textured wall  363 x 260 x 63

Pot No 44  Bekabune  350 x 256 x 65

Pot No 45 Bekabune  350 x 257 x 64

 Pot No 46 Bekabune  350 x 257 x 64

Pot No 47 Sabani  360 x 250 x 78.

Pot No 48 Sabani  360 x 250 x 78.

Pot No 49 Bekabune  350 x 257 x 64

Pot No 52  Oval 'rockpot'  345 x 260 x 62

  Pot 53  Wasen altered, squared flange  415 x 305 x 85

Pot 55  Short Taraibune, altered  395 x 290 x 76

Pot Shohin 1

Pot Shohin 4

Pot Shohin 5

Pot Shohin 6

Pot Shohin 7

Pot Shohin 9

 Pot Shohin10

Pot Shohin 11

Pot Shohin 12

 Pot Shohin 13

 Pot Shohin14
Pot S16

Pot Shohin 17

Pot Shohin 18

Pot Shohin 19

Pot No 56  Wasen Oval  409 x 303 x 85

 Pot No 58   Flanged and ribbed oval    347 x 263 x 68

  Pot No 59    Flanged and ribbed oval    353 x 261 x 68

 Pot No 60  Round Literati    Diameter 304 x 68

 Pot No 61    Square Semi-Cascade   Side 330 x 165

 Pot No 62  Bowed wall rectangle    500 x 363 x 104

 Pot No 63  Flanged Oval     540 x 423 x 96

 Pot No 64   Round Semi-Cascade     Diameter 262 x 94

 Pot No 65  Tenmasen    384 x 279 x 90

Pot No 67   Ribbed oval   262 x 208 x 57

Pot No 68      Large moon rock pot

Pot No 69   Ribbed oval 285 x 217 x 58

 Pot No 70   'Copy' of ancient Chinese flower pot 216 x 216 x 213

Pot No 72     Compound Oval     305 x 225 x 70

Pot No 73    Compound Oval       460 x 338 x 100

Shohin 20

Shohin 23

Shohin 22

  Shohin 21

 Shohin 24
 Shohin 25
 Shohin 26

 Shohin 28

 Pot No  75    Compound Oval  502 x 375 x 92

Pot No 79  Sloping topped circular semui cascade

Pot 80  Round 285 x 75

 Pot No 82   Oval 295 x 212 x 60

Shohin 29

 Pot 85 Oval 390 x 280 x 85

 Pot 86  Oval600 x 420 x 55

  Pot 87 Compound Oval 340 x 248 x 69

 Pot 88  Oval  407 x 317 x 74

 Pot 89  Compound Oval  370 x 296 x 86

 Pot  90  Oval  336 x 256 x 60
 Pot 91  Oval  334 x 253 x 61

 Pot 92 Compound Oval 384 x 294 x 88

Pot  93 Compound Oval  433 x 344 x 80

 Pot 94  Oval  400 x 300 x 75

 Shohin Cascade

 Shohin Cascade

 Shohin Cascade

 Pot 95 Rock Slab  560 x 390 x 45

 Pot 96  Rock Slab  555 x 360 x 45

Pot  97  Rock Slab  590 x 435 x 35

 Pot 98 Compound Oval   385 x 290 x 84

Pot  99   Compound Oval  385 x 290 x 84

 Pot 100 Compound Oval 385 x 290 x 84
   Pot 101 Compound Oval  467 x 350 x 81

  Pot 102 Compound Oval  452 x 352 x 82

  Pot 103 Compound Oval  433 x 344 x 92

  Pot 104 Compound Oval  389 x 280 x 76

For more recent pots visit the individual posts:

Post 340

Post 338

Post 334

Post 333
Post 215 for Pots  257,258,259

Post 214 for Pots 236,244,249,251,252,253,254

Post 213 for Pots 237,238,239,240,241,243,245,246,247,248

Post 208 for Pots 230,233,234,231,232,235

Post 206 for Pots 224,225,223,222,226,228,229,227

Post 204 for Pots 215,216,213,219,209,211,217,212,220

Post 197 for Pots 126,117,129,130,131,132

Post 196 for Pots 133,134,135

Post 180 for Pots 125,128,124,127,123

Post 179 for Pots S41, S42, S43, S44, S45, S46, S47, S48, S49, S50, S51

Post 160 for Pots 122,121,111,115,114,S38

Post 152 for Pots 120,114,S39,S40,S38,116,108,112,109


  1. Absolutely fantastic blog, just sat and read the whole thing./

    We are twins from different mothers, My bonsai and potting experience are almost identical to yours. But your garage/ studio is much cleaner !

    big Dave

  2. Thanks Dave and good to hear from you.

  3. Saw your posts at ceramic arts and the bonsai forum. How is the slumping situation going ?

    Hosted Jim Barrett at my place on Wed. We were talking about this. He simply uses cone ten clay and fires to 6.

    He has sold thousands of bonsai pots with no problems of any kind. Food for thought, eh?

    big Dave

  4. Hi Dave, Yes that strategy will work. It would be interesting to test the porosity of that clay once fired.The benefit of using a stoneware clay is the increased hardness and strength and low porosity that comes from vitrification, achieved at maturity temperature. If you don't take the clay to maturity and hence it doesn't soften, are you then not getting the benefits of using the stoenware clay? Not all clays are the same however and so Jim may have a good answer with his clay.

  5. Good point, as always test test test I guess.

    Glad to see you are moving to the selling arena, nothing like user feedback to refine work.

    Keep posting !

    Big D


Happy to hear your advice, feedback or questions