
Monday, 4 August 2014

Post 163 Bonsai Table construction #3

Ok so another day and a bit more progress. This one started with the final assembly of the undercarriage with the side rails getting glued in.

 All done and not a nail or screw in sight. Notice that the feet in this shot are still straight on the outside edges. I'm going to put a little curvature there soon to soften their visual weight.

This is a view of the intersection of the mitres at the corner. I've moistened the timber to see the joins better. Looks pretty good, wasn't easy, but once the mitres are cut well it should just go together.

 And this is the foot with that little outer curvature sanded in place. You can see from the endgrain how the leg and foot are laminations of a number of pieces of timber.
The next couple of shots show the fitting of the central table top piece. It's actually a few pieces side glue joined and then cut to fit.

 After getting the outer dimensions right the table router was used to cut the rebate to match the one in the mitered pieces so it has a landing to sit on.

 The top is still not joined to the base at this point. I've just finished the job of rounding all the outer corners. Using the table router makes this an easy and foolproof job which gives a great finish.

Nearly done. The top is still not fixed in this shot. I just have to work up a thin section to separate the top from the base and simulate the gap shown here. That's a job for another day. Time to reflect on the overall proportions before finishing it off. I think the leg weight is good for the table size. The only thing I might do is shave a little off the inner flat surfaces of the feet to lighten them a little more. Finish is going to be a gloss dark brown colour.

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