
Monday 16 December 2013

Post 135 New Pots

In the last post I showed a little shohin from my last firing. In the kiln with it were another 5 pots.

Firstly there was another shohin. This one just 110 in diameter is for a little literati styled elm, although it might just be on the limit of 200 high It's a little round pot with a red-brown glaze I've used before but this time wound back the silica even further. I think it took a little sheen off the surface; just what I wanted.

Having made that change in the glaze at the same time I took the plunge and put it on a large pot; Pot no 101 at 467mm x 350mm x 81mm.

 The proportions are nice and with the feet glazed too carries the simulation of an unglazed pot.

 In this and the next shot youcan see more clearly the shape - one of my compound ovals.

 The lense sort of forshortens it a bit - I promise it is symmetrical!

 And finally a close-up of the glaze.

 The next one is Pot no 98 at   385mm x 290mm x  84mm. This one is also a compound oval and glazed in the same light brown glaze used on the shohin of the last post.

  This next one is the same size and shape glazed in a dark brown glaze. In natural light it is actually more brown brown than red brown.

  This last one Pot 100, is again the same size and shape, butglazed in my deep green glaze, also with a little elss silica to reduce the satin sheen.

With these pots I have passed that 100 pots milestone - or at least 100 large pots. There have been another  35 shohins as well. I made my first pot in November 2010 and here I am three years later with the 100 milestone reached. Three years ago I'm sure I was dreaming of making 200 pots per year by my third year instead of the 50 that I have, but I'm not sure where I would have found the time or space let alone market to make that extra 150. I'm actually happy not to have; much better to enjoy the journey and drive what I'm doing rather than be driven by it.

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