
Sunday 22 September 2013

Post 122 2013 QBS Exhibition

It was the 2013 Queensland Bonsai Exhibition at the Botanical Gardens Auditorium this weekend.
There were three trees I really liked, two chinese elms and an old Queensland small leaf fig.
The elms are a testament to what can be achieved in 20 years. The fig somewhat older has an amazing layering of ageing and patina on the trunk and branches, The style of the fig is typical of how they grow, much more broom like.

The spot lighting on this elm was great, creating a very complementary shadow on the wall behind.

While I was there I went for a walk in the gardens and reaquainten myself with the succulent area. They have a nice assortment of plants and trees from Madagasgar and thes are two I have admired for many years. It's been a while since I've seen them and they certainly have put on some trunk mass to show great taper. They are not exactly bonsai material with very heavy branchlets and as I recall large leaves when in season but they offer a very interesting structure at at this time of year.

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