
Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Post 59 Another 4 new pots

Another glaze firing done and some happy results. The kiln gods have smiled again for now. That's a bit like that old one about the harder you work the luckier you get, but I might have said that before!

This first one is Pot 34 a short Taraibune oval at 425 x 310 x 78. The glaze is a light blue tone applied to simulate a little patina. A nice size and very useful pot.

This is my original Wasen design again, Pot 36 with a finished size of 407 x 300 x 84. You might recall some time ago - Post 46 in mid October - I tried something new in a glaze firing and as a direct result caused a Wasen oval pot with the same glaze as this one, to be badly deformed. If I'd really thought about it, the result was predictable, but not at the time. Bob offered to take it off my hands for the feight cost but I relented and decided to keep it where I could see it just to be reminded, about fallibility and the danger of hubris. Speaking of which I put a tree in that pot and unless you really look for it you would hardly notice the flaw. Imperfect perfection - the power of wabi sabi. The antidote might be wearing off.
So here is Pot 36 in the same glaze - light green tones breaking beige and in great shape.

To show the flexibilty of mould made pots here is a Wasen with a squared rim flange; Pot 37 at 412 x 300 x 84. Just a small change but a different look. The picture doesn't do the glaze justice and sometimes with digital photography true colour rendering is elusive. Suffice to say it is formulated as a cream beige glaze but the different depths of application break the surface and colour. There are a number of stoney earthen colours here that make for a great composition. It looks like it's been carved from a piece of stone and buffed. I don't think I can part with this one, at least not before trying to make another one like it.

And finally for this firing we have Pot 39 which is a Tenmasen rectangular pot at 407 x 300 x 84, in a glaze used before too. But it makes such an interesting surface that it's hard to resist using it, making a very handsome pot.

So all in all a good result; all nice additions to a collection.


  1. woohoo mentioned in the blog, I'm famous! This batch looks great, and I'm glad you found a use for the misshapen one!

  2. Lookin good happy

    all my misshapes get my trees, Its great till I want to sell them- then there is lot of embarrassment and excuse making.

    keep it up

    big Dave


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