
Saturday 6 October 2012

Post 41 Flowers make you feel good

They do don't they. Keats certainly got it right about a thing of beauty being a joy forever. There's nothing like the sight and perfume of flowers to lift your spirits and put a smile on your face.

It's clivia season here at the moment. This wonderful species which comes from Southern Africa has been intenesively hybridised for years and is now available in a variety of hues well beyond the original orange red. They are fantastic plants needing not much more water than rainfall and they thrive anywhere out of full sunshine.

This one is a SA hybrid that I grew from seed. It has beautiful salmon tones but unfortunately no perfume. The pot is a nice hand painted majolica.

And this is a Chinese hybrid. The Chinese specialise in variagation and small compact plants which can be grow indoor all the time. This one only has a small amount of variagation but is an attractive plant with a nice well presented head of flowers.

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