
Saturday, 8 September 2012

Post 35 Pots in Society Show

This weekend saw the Bonsai Society of Queensland annual exhibition at the Botanic Gardens Auditorium.

There have been close to 100 trees and suiseki on exhibition in a number of classes. With beautiful spring weather with us many of the deciduous species were in fresh foliage and looking great. The range of species and age of trees on display by Society members is pretty impressive, as is the general arrangement for the show. The merchandise/plant sale area has been very busy on the first day with a big range of trees in training, pots, potting medium etc etc for sale.

I was happy to have three pots in the show. They have featured before in the blog but it's good to see them now supporting a tree and all dressed up for exhibition. All the minor imperfections that you might be aware of as a maker become less important and less apparent in the matching with the tree. These shots were taken just as they were to be put on display.

I've had a great reaction so far from all design aspects, shape, colour and surface texture. The mustard oval has been particularly popular. It was great to see the sky blue deep oval matched with a very nice old Eugena in the entry gateway presentation.

1 comment:

  1. Followed over from your link on IBC. What a great blog you have, and I love the colors you are working on.

    I'd be interested in a post showing the process of getting the clay into and out of your molds.

    - bob


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