
Monday 30 July 2012

Post 27 Finished pot

The glaze firing went well and Pot 19 is now done. It featured in Post 24 when bone dry and now here it is all glazed up.

The finish is a nice flat satin, blue going green.

Final dimensions are 422 x 312 x 81. Dimensionally it has come out really well, I'm very happy with it.

Just for fun to illustrate how much fired clay shrinks, here is a picture of the finished pot sitting in the mould it came from. This is a bit hard to believe when you look at it but it comes to 55mm. Bear in mind that most of this shrinkage occurs in the glaze firing. So as the glaze melts and the clay vitrifies the whole thing contracts, sliding across the kiln shelf - love to have a time lapse series of that.

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