
Friday 15 June 2012

Post 19 Latest pot - number 17

This is my latest pot having tweaked a few design elements to get closer to the picture I want to achieve. This one has a deeper foot with lower recess connecting the feet, a deeper flange and greater flange radius. All these little details add to the visual appeal without necessarily being separately apparent. Isn't that always the way.

At the moment it is just leather hard and in need of a little tidying up around the edges. I'll leave those until it is bone dry when the surface is less sensitive to accidental touches. It looks really good at this stage and from experience I think I've got drying sorted to maintain stability; if only they would tightly hold shape through the firing cycles.  If there is any experience to share on that subject I'd love to hear from you.

I'm also starting to work on the bits and pieces for a new oval design and mould; watch this space. This time I'll post a few more pictures of the process as it unfolds.

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