
Bonsai Foundations Program

Program Curriculum

Lesson 1
Program introduction
Origins & philosophy of bonsai culture
History and different national identities (schools of bonsai)
Classification, Styles & Sizes
Stylistic conventions and general aesthetic principles
The art of illusion
Lesson 2
Selection of plants suitable to bonsai
Recommended species
Tools and accessories
Physiological aspects – functions of roots, leaves, bark and how trees grow
Channeling this physiology for bonsai development
How to keep a plant alive in a pot for years
Trees to work on
Lesson  3
Potting mediums and components
Watering and general care
Seasonal influences and the annual cycle
Start on development pathways – where to begin, seed to advanced stock
Lesson 4
Bonsai development pathways continuing
Shaping & Wiring
Lesson 5
    Workshop for student's trees development tuition
Lesson 6
Propagation methods
Sourcing bonsai material
Cuttings and grafting, layering
Lesson 7
Fertilizer – nutrients
Pests and diseases
Insects and fungus
Lesson 8
Bonsai on line
Lesson 9
Transplanting and re-potting
Root pruning
 Lesson 10
    Workshop for student's trees development tuition

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